A little about me

My name is Jared Forbes, but you probably figured that out already from the name of the site. I'm a graduate of The University of Massachusetts Amherst with a degree in Graphic Design. Problem is when I went to look for jobs in my field pretty much every place wanted HTML skills on top of design skills, and well they didn't really teach that.

So I have opted to teach myself! I've dabbled in web design before, but never really got far. Now I have a purpose to learn. To hopefully get a job and move out of my parents place, and truthfully isn't that what we all want in life?

As you can see this site is a work in progress. I made this site to be an online portfolio to showcase my various creative skills. I will hopefully be updating the site often as I both make more items to show and learn newer and better ways to write the page itself.

If you'd like to contact feel free to email me. Also try reading my webcomic. I hope you enjoy the site.